cannabis flower

When Did Malta Legalize Cannabis?

Valletta, Malta: Lawmakers in the island nation of Malta (population 525,000) have approved legislation permitting the personal possession of marijuana by adults without penalty.

Members of Parliament voted in favor of the legislation Tuesday and it is expected to be signed into law imminently. Under the measure, those ages 18 and older may legally possess up to seven grams of cannabis and/or home-cultivate up to four plants for personal use. (Up to 50 grams of homegrown flower may be legally stored at home.) Possessing higher amounts will trigger civil fines.

The measure does not formally regulate the commercial cannabis marketplace, but it does permit not-for-profit cooperatives to provide personal use quantities of cannabis flowers and seeds to their members.

The nation’s President is anticipated to sign the legislation into law as soon as this weekend.

Source: NORMLmake a donation