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What Percentage Of Adults In Recreational Cannabis States Do Not Know Their Rights?

WASHINGTONSept. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Statara Solutions released its “Baked Audiences Insights” report, which found that 17% of adults in recreational-use states who have not consumed cannabis products have not done so because they are deterred by uncertainty about their options and legal rights. The report goes on to offer detailed profiles of those potential consumers.

“As industry revenues begin to plateau, this timely report identifies critical segments of the adult population that are ripe for sustained cannabis market growth and customer acquisition,” said Matt Taverna, Principal of Statara Solutions. “Cannabis dispensary operators, brands, marketers, and investors can use this best-in-class data to learn how and where to engage with these potential customers and continue sustainable growth in the marketplace.”

The report is based on a 2022 Statara survey of 5,349 adults ages 21+ in 19 recreational-use states. Survey responses were matched to Statara’s national consumer file – including demographics, interests, and media consumption habits – to uncover patterns underlying the consumption of cannabis products and misconceptions by potential customers that want to engage the marketplace, but don’t know how or don’t think they can.


Statara’s Baked Audiences is a best-in-class, compliance-first solution to navigating outbound marketing challenges. Designed specifically for the cannabis industry, Baked Audiences goes beyond the industry-standard approach of predicting age to verifying age using multiple sources of commercial and government data. Comprising more than 192MM individuals, Baked Audiences updates monthly to include fresh contact information and new 21-year-olds, providing a constant stream of accurate, age-compliant prospects.


Statara combines its expertise in compliance, analytics, polling, consulting, and outreach to create a full-service firm committed to helping companies, trade groups, universities, and more reach, engage, and retain their audiences. At Statara, we help our clients identify and gain a full understanding of their audience, customers, and members and then find the most effective ways to reach and engage with them.

SOURCE Statara

Source: PRNewswire