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Does Inhaled CBD Limit Tumor Growth?

Augusta, GA: The inhalation of CBD provides anti-cancer activity in animals with glioblastoma, a highly aggressive form of brain cancer.

A team of investigators affiliated with Augusta University in Georgia and with the Georgia Cancer Center assessed the effects of inhaled CBD on GBM (glioblastoma) tumor growth in mice.

Authors reported that CBD administration limited tumor growth and also altered several other factors necessary for tumor progression.

They concluded, “Overall, our novel findings support the possible therapeutic role of inhaled CBD as an effective, relatively safe, and easy to administer treatment adjunct for GBM with significant impacts on the cellular and molecular signaling of TME [tumor microenvironment] warranting further research.”

Although several previous preclinical trials have similarly associated anti-tumor growth activity with cannabinoids, this is the first study to assess inhalation as an effective mode of administration in an animal model of cancer.

Limited human data has identified an association between the administration of plant-derived cannabinoid extracts and improvements in quality of life and survival rates in glioma patients.

Full text of the study, “Inhalant cannabidiol inhibits glioblastoma progression through regulation of tumor microenvironment,” appears in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. Additional information on cannabinoids and glioma is available from NORML.

Source: NORMLmake a donation