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Does Green Thumb Industries Help Military Veterans?

NEW ORLEANSNov. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Veterans have been particularly hard hit by social isolation, anxiety, depression and unique traumatic experiences. Four times as many Veterans have died by suicide as in combat ( New solutions to mental health are more important than ever.

Two companies offering non-traditional approaches to mental health, Green Thumb Industries and Happy, have partnered to directly address the mental health of Veterans. Green Thumb will offer Veterans and their families free and unlimited mental health support through Happy starting November 1st through the end of December.

Green Thumb, one of the leading cannabis companies in the United States, will utilize their retail stores, RISE and Essence, as the vehicle for this partnership. Along with the company’s active employment of Veterans and offering discounts for Veterans year-round, Green Thumb chose to partner with Happy in honor of Veterans Day to support the important mission of providing Veterans access to mental health resources.

Happy is a leading peer-based mental health company working with major insurers, hospital systems and employers across the US to significantly expand access to and adoption of basic mental health support. Happy operates one of the highest quality peer networks in the country. They have implemented an innovative proactive engagement model that doesn’t wait for people to reach out, but instead contacts individuals first. This creates frictionless mental health by generating high engagement rates and marked reductions in anxiety and depression.

According to Happy’s Director of Veteran Programming, Joshua Thiel, a former Special Forces Green Beret Commander, “The military is committed to reducing stigmas with mental resilience care, but cultural change takes time and resources are in high demand. Military members often believe that support equals weakness, and that no one cares or understands them – we at Happy disagree. Happy is expanding our support network to help turn Veteran trauma into wisdom that helps Veterans excel, and, ultimately, maximize happiness.”

Thiel’s sentiments are echoed by Green Thumb Founder and Chief Executive Officer Ben Kovler:

“The U.S. is in the midst of a mental health crisis that has only been exacerbated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This is especially the case for our Veteran community, which often experiences higher rates of mental health problems and lacks access to adequate resources. In partnership with Happy, Green Thumb is committed to connecting Veterans with mental health support and actively facilitating efforts to reduce harmful stigmas around treatment and those who need it.”

Veterans have unique challenges, and life can be hard. This offer aims to give a little hope to our service men and women, by giving free, anonymous, emotional support by compassionate listeners.

Here’s how Veterans can connect with one of Happy’s Support Givers today:

  1. Text “Vet” to 858-367-3001 and Happy will reach out promptly to set up a call at a time that works for you and to answer any questions you may have.
  2. Call 1-855-502-0420 to connect instantly to Happy’s Support Givers. This is available for free for all Veterans and their families, 24/7 and on demand and is 100% confidential and anonymous.

Contact: Jeremy


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Source: PRNewswire