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Does CBD Improve Symptoms Of Fragile X Syndrome?

New York, NY: The use of CBD products provides symptom relief to pediatric patients with Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), according to survey responses provided by their parents and caregivers. FSX is a genetic disorder that results in developmental disorders and behavioral problems (e.g., failure to make eye contact, hyperactivity, anxiety, trouble paying attention, etc.)

Investigators affiliated with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York and with the National Fragile X Foundation in McLean, Virginia surveyed the parents and caregivers of individuals with FXS who were receiving or had received CBD.

The majority of respondents reported CBD to be either very effective or somewhat effective at improving the following FSX symptoms: anxiety (80 percent), hypersensitivity (74 percent), irritability (73 percent), attention problems (60 percent), aggression (60 percent), and sleep disorders (53 percent).

“Overall, caregivers generally reported that CBD made a significant and positive difference to individuals’ symptoms,” authors concluded. “Most parents reported that side effects were not experienced, and any that were reported were generally mild or very mild. … Placebo-controlled clinical trials regarding CBD as a treatment for FXS are essential to better understanding the efficacy and safety of CBD in FXS.”

In a pair of pilot studies, CBD administration was associated with quality of life improvements and reductions in patients’ anxiety, compulsive behavior, and irritability.

Full text of the study, “Parent and caregiver perspectives toward cannabidiol as a treatment for Fragile X Syndrome,” appears in Genes.

Source: NORMLmake a donation