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Did The NORML PAC Endorse John Fetterman In 2022 Primary?

Washington, DC: NORML PAC endorsed US Senate candidate John Fetterman won Pennsylvania’s Democratic primary by a large margin.

John Fetterman has long been an outspoken advocate for marijuana legalization and has made it a central plank in his Senate campaign.

“John’s overwhelming victory in the primary should send a message to candidates all across the country,” commented NORML PAC Executive Director Erik Altieri, “Legalization has the support of 7 in 10 Americans, including majorities from all political affiliations. It is time for politicians to wake up to the reality that this is a winning ballot box issue. We need more people like John Fetterman in the Senate. His victory tonight sent a clear signal to the establishment, get on the right side of history or lose to someone with the courage of their convictions.”

“We at Lehigh Valley NORML applaud Lt. Gov. John Fetterman’s Primary victory and stand with John as he prepares to defeat his opponent in November,” said Lehigh Valley NORML Executive Director Jeff Riedy, “Mr. Fetterman has proven time and again to be a steadfast ally in our fight toward cannabis legalization and we have no doubt that he will prove himself our champion on Capitol Hill.”

Source: NORML emailed press release